On the eve of my 35th birthday...
I sat in the driver's seat of my car in the parking lot; windows rolled all the way UP in the stifling heat, as to somehow create a safe space for me to think. I clutched my cell phone like the lifeline it was... as my husband was on the other end. Tears rolled down my face, totally unchecked. My voice cracked with every syllable uttered, and sent even more tears rolling.
I was making a HUGE decision, and it was scaring the bajeezus outta me. Excitement, fear, possibility... all squeezed into this tiny suffocating car with me.
And then my husband said something to me that I've said to HIM on many an occasion... "If it doesn't scare you a bit, it's probably not big enough to be worth it."
With that, my mind was calmed, and my decision was made. The fear was still there, but I wasn't going to let it stop me. And my excitement at the possibilities grew larger and larger.
And now, on the day of my 35th birthday, I have something exciting to share with you all.
Announcing... MY NEW STUDIO SPACE!!!
The Suitcase Studio officially has a HOME now, and I can't wait for you to see it!
I'll be nestled inside the "Solo Building" located right around the corner from The Camp in Costa Mesa. (The lease is being signed as you read this...)
Not just a great place for client meetings, it's also a FANTABULOUS place for photo sessions, as well. (yeah, that's right... I said fantabulous.) I'll officially have access to both The Lab and The Camp for portrait sessions (and if you've been there, you KNOW the possibilities that those places hold). My own building also has a built-in backyard already equipped with trimmed green grass, wooden benches, and even a silver airstream trailer. It SCREAMS out for a photo session, doesn't it? And, of course, my own office has plenty of space for all those stylized mini-sessions I've been dreaming about for oh-so long.
Starting with THIS one:
CELEBRATION mini-sessions
Want to help me break in my NEW studio space??? Let's CELEBRATE!!!
I'll be taking possession of my new place on September 15th, so I've set up two days of celebration-themed mini-sessions for soon after.
Sunday, September 22nd and Saturday, September 28th
Each mini-session is 15 minutes of balloons, confetti and FUN (and a free 8x10 print) for the celebratory price of $35 (in honor of my 35th birthday). (You can see my Pinterest CELEBRATION board here, to see pieces of what you might expect.)
CLICK HERE to sign up for a Sept. 22 session and see all the details.
CLICK HERE to sign up for a Sept. 28 session and see all the details.
And because I really want to THANK all my family, friends and fan who have been with me so far throughout this amazing journey...
The first 5 people to sign up for a mini-session will receive theirs for FREE!
That's RIGHT. Be one of the first FIVE people to sign up for a Celebration mini-session (either day is fine), and you'll receive your session and 8x10 for FREE! Just be sure to enter code HAPPY35 upon checkout.
Here are those dates to click on again to book your mini-session ASAP:
September 22
September 28
I hope to see you all real SOON!