
your very own iPhone app

You know how it goes... you're at a party. You WANT to show off the latest pictures of your kiddos, and (woohoo!), the *perfect* opportunity just arose. You tell your friend, "speaking of such-and-such, you've GOT to see this picture of [insert-your-fabulous-child's-name-here]. " If you're super old-skool, you reach for your purse, dig through to locate your wallet, then sort through your receipts and various papers (ooh, a coupon!) trying to find the wallet-sized print you just KNOW is in there... somewhere.

Or, you could reach for your phone. But still, you have to search. Pull up your photo album and start scrolling... and scrolling... and scrolling... and realize that you've still got pictures from LAST Christmas on here, and should really synch your phone again soon. (oops.)

If you're a social (networking) butterfly, you might think to pull up Facebook to show off your latest pics. But wait... there's no service where you're standing. And suddenly you're doing the "swing your phone like a magic wand to find a pocket of service somewhere above your head" dance...

...all while your friend (im)patiently waits for that oh-so-wonderful picture you've promised to show her. (oops!)

I PROMISE you, there's a better way.

Be a rockstar with your own custom iPhone app and have INSTANT ACCESS to all your favorite photos!

Picture this: your favorite photos from our session together, all stored on your very own app. One touch and voila! You can show off in style. (And pssssstt... unlike Facebook, you won't need internet service to see your pictures, so you have access to them anytime.)

There are also buttons to easily share your app with friends and family via email or by posting straight to your favorite social networking sites. Easy-peasy, I promise. And your friends will be soooooo jealous...

Here's how it works:

your own iphone app with The Suitcase Studioyour own iphone app with The Suitcase Studioyour own iphone app with The Suitcase Studioyour own iphone app with The Suitcase Studio



Want to see for yourself?

Click here to see my sample gallery. Not only great for your mobile devices, it's also perfect for viewing online.
Pretty cool, huh?
Ready for an app of your own? Contact me to get started with setting up your photo session.