
kids & family

Holiday mini-sessions are HERE!

Holiday-Mini-Sessions2013 Cost:

$200 for 30 minute session + 5 digital images -or- $325 for 30 minute session + all 15 digital images + choice of keepsake 4x6 print of each image -OR- keepsake magazine of your images

A $75 non-refundable retainer fee is required to reserve your timeslot. The remainder of payment will be due on the day of your session.

Additional prints + products will also be available for purchase. Holiday cards are available for easy purchase through Minted.com.


Saturday, November 23 Sunday, November 24 Saturday, November 30

To book your session, click on one of the dates above.

Location: my studio

765 Baker St., Suite A Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Background Options: Select one (or both) of the following:

1.  outdoor/backyard area featuring a vintage silver Airstream trailer 2.  indoor chalk-art wall scene with a cozy fireplace/snowy window, and a touchable tree

Heads up... these are the LAST mini-sessions I'll be offering for 2013! There will be NO minis offered in December, so don't wait too long to snag your spot!

Click on a date below to learn more/save your session time:

Saturday, November 23 Sunday, November 24 Saturday, November 30


Have something else in mind for holiday photos? Would one of my Signature Sessions work better for you? I've only got THREE dates left open for full sessions in 2013, so contact me ASAP if you'd like to sign up for one of them.


THANKFUL // short stories

Why should models have all the fun? Ever wanted to play in some of those scenes you've seen on Pinterest or in your favorite magazine? You know... the ones of the dreamy, creamy shots of the perfectly put-together people in the most creative places? The ones you instantly add to your "must do this someday" board that grows ever-longer by the hour? (But resign yourself to only staring at as your time and budget dwindle?)

Worry no more, my creative peeps. This dream-land CAN be your reality.

Enter: SHORT STORIES (styled mini-sessions).

Each month I'm offering a new scenario, complete with props and accessories to make it all your own.

because pretty pictures + personality = awesomesauce.


This month, it's all about being THANKFUL.

Sessions are taking place on two dates only (click each date for full info/sign-up):

Sunday, October 20

Saturday, October 26

Perfect for solos, siblings and the family. (And would make a GREAT alternate to the more traditional red-and-green themed holiday card this year... hint, hint.)

With minimal posing, this is more of an EXPERIENCE, full of conversations that center around giving THANKS and showing LOVE. It's a bit difficult to explain, so instead, let me SHOW you just a snippet of what you can expect.


I borrowed 2 nieces and a nephew last weekend to take a few sample THANKFUL shots to show you what it's all about.

And let me tell you... these might be beautiful kids (and I know I'm a bit partial since they're family), but they are NOT models. There was the usual sibling teasing, horsing around, shyness and silly faces whenever the camera swung their way. And that's totally normal, and totally expected. Because it's all about the in-between moments. The ones they don't even know I'm aware of. The moments where they lovingly hug a sibling for no reason, or smile at them in their own private way, or spin in a circle because they feel like it, or lose themselves in their own little world of play. The moments where the conversation turns serious, they say something lovely and totally unexpected, and it's something that imprints on your heart forever.

THOSE are the moments I capture for you.  Those are the moments we are all thankful for.

I love visual storytelling. And in keeping with the more editorial-style of these "short story" sessions, images from each session will be made available as its own unique printed magazine. Because in this digital world of ours, there's still magic in holding onto something tangible and being able to turn the pages. A print magazine sample will be present at the sessions, but click here to view the digital version  (ironic, I know).


Click on each date below for more info and to sign up for a THANKFUL mini-session of your own:

Sunday, October 20

Saturday, October 26

Hope to see you there! Can't wait to PLAY!

and baby makes 3

They couldn't stop staring at his tiny, pointed ears... and both of them were in LOVE with that little detail. He said that baby Chase had to be part werewolf, while she swore that she'd given birth to a fairy. But either way, werewolf or fairy, baby Chase was definitely magical in his own way... having already captured the hearts of both of his parents.

Matt + Timree, I am so amazingly happy for the both of you as you start this new adventure in parenthood... and I can't wait to help capture the many memories as they unfold.

psssst..... a really cool factoid: Matt's father used to play for the Red Sox!

Snuggling in bed together... their own little oasis... marveling over the wee one in their arms, and reveling in the fact that they were parents.

It's amazing how wonderfully unique someone so tiny can already be. I was told that Chase actually prefers to sleep THIS way... with both arms stretched up above his head.

If you've ever been to Timree's studio, I'm sure you recognize this paint-splattered shirt as one of her trademark pieces.

And of course we had to welcome the newest mini-fan in style.

Welcome to the world, wee one. Let the adventure begin!


curly top

We had never met before, and she marched right up to me and said hello, gave me a hug, and we were off... She was fearless, and so fun to behold. From her unlaced boots to the top of her curly head, she was absolutely adorable, and I found myself wishing we had more time together than just this mini-session. She ran, she twirled, and asked me all sorts of questions about the different props I'd brought along. We laughed, we played, and she seemed to completely forget about the camera pointed in her direction.

Pure bliss, dressed up in the most adorable dress I'd ever seen.

Here are a few favorite moments captured forever in my heart:

Vintage Spring Childs Portrait Session with The Suitcase Studio_0001Vintage Spring Childs Portrait Session with The Suitcase Studio_0002Vintage Spring Childs Portrait Session with The Suitcase Studio_0003Vintage Spring Childs Portrait Session with The Suitcase Studio_0004Vintage Spring Childs Portrait Session with The Suitcase Studio_0005Vintage Spring Childs Portrait Session with The Suitcase Studio_0006

Ready for a Portrait Session with The Suitcase Studio

artistic touches

When it comes to taking pictures and editing them, I hear a LOT of people say "Oh, I'll just get what I can and fix it in Photoshop." Confession time: that used to be me. But not anymore. When I take a picture, I have a finished image already in mind. I compose my shot the way I want it to be... cropping in-camera and making sure my angles are lined up properly. I also change my camera settings constantly, as the light & color changes from moment to moment, direction to direction, surrounding to surrounding.

Because of this, my editing has gotten a LOT faster. My shots are pretty close to finalized even straight out of the camera. But there are a few things I have in mind as I compose my image that I can't always get in the moment, and so I do still use Photoshop for my final touches. Sometimes I add a light color wash, and sometimes the scene calls for a bright pop of color instead. I use Photoshop to artistically enhance the photo, bringing it close to the what I saw in my head when I originally captured the image. Actions are layered to create the mood I want to evoke (though layers are never used full-force).

So the biggest editing tip I can offer that will save you LOTS of time, headache and heartache: Photoshop is best used for enhancement purposes instead of relied upon to "fix" your images.

A few samples as I played around with a few new actions I recently purchased (images were taken at the Sweetlight Collective Workshop attended in March):

Thoughts, comments, or questions? I'd love to hear your responses and get a conversation going.


To My Brother, on His FIRST Father's Day

You've been a father for about 6 months now, and it still amazes me. I remember when YOU were still in diapers, and here you are now, changing diapers on a son of your own. Sometimes that's incredibly scary to me, and other times, it's the most beautiful thing in the world. There's this sense of wonder that has come alive in you, and it brings (happy) tears to my eyes.

Baby Iron Man by The Suitcase Studio

And I can't wait to see all the adventures that will follow.

Father and Baby R2D2 by The Suitcase Studio

There's this tiny little person looking to YOU now... for guidance, for protection, for love... (and for clean socks)

Baby chewing toes by The Suitcase Studio

And I know you're up for every challenge (and reward) that comes your way.

Baby portrait by The Suitcase Studio

I can't wait for the day you get to hear him call you by your new name... Daddy.

Father and Son portrait by The Suitcase Studio

love always, your big sis, Chel.

ps: make sure to tell Kelan... I will always have gum.

boys will be boys // stylized camping shoot

They were loud. Boisterous. All over the place, wanting to touch, move and PLAY. And sooooooooo different from the group of girls that I had just finished photographing. Ha!

They were all boy... playing off of one another's energy and constantly trying to out-do one another with their noises, movement and stories.

I witnessed other photographers struggle to get the boys to do what they'd already envisioned in their heads as the "perfect picture"... they directed, cajoled, and grew more and more frustrated as the boys grew more and more antsy.

But I just smiled to myself, stepped in, and took a different approach.

I watched them PLAY.

I encouraged the boys to pick up the props and PLAY with them. No... don't worry about posing... just PLAY. Can you make a sound with that horn? Can you find US on that map? Those flashlights can double as light-sabers, you know?

It was beautiful to behold. All of a sudden, their energy was channeled somewhere, they were excited to welcome me into their game, and their personalities just SHONE.

And once they were relaxed, and without them even realizing it, I was able to get some pretty awesome posed pictures, as well.

Here is MY TAKE on the "camping trip": TheSuitcaseStudio-SweetlightCollective  018.jpg TheSuitcaseStudio-SweetlightCollective  116.jpg TheSuitcaseStudio-SweetlightCollective  127.jpg TheSuitcaseStudio-SweetlightCollective  026.jpg TheSuitcaseStudio-SweetlightCollective  019.jpg TheSuitcaseStudio-SweetlightCollective  123.jpg TheSuitcaseStudio-SweetlightCollective  022.jpg TheSuitcaseStudio-SweetlightCollective  032.jpg

Images were taken during the Sweetlight Collective workshop held by Work of Heart Photography.


Ready to PLAY with a styled session of your own? Good news... my stylized portrait parties are HERE! Contact me to get started.