I was a beautiful mermaid and my younger brother was a handsome mer-butler (ha!), and the tupperware lids we'd bring into the pool with us became our pet jellyfish. We knew we weren't supposed to swim into the deep end... because that's where the shark lived. But we'd test our bravery by going deeper and deeper into the shark's cave... where the only way in or out was to touch the 4' marker at the side of the pool, and the little ladder at the end was our refuge on the rocks. (To this day, plastic butter dish lids still remind me of jellyfish.) Remember what it was like to PLAY? To be a kid? Where imagination ruled and ANYTHING was possible? Yeah... I'd like to bring a bit of THAT back into our everyday lives.
SHORT STORIES. (styled mini-sessions)
30 minutes in length and styled to perfection, my "short stories" series is the perfect length of time to be able to relax in front of the camera & connect with your loved ones in a super-fun way, all while ensuring that your family looks like they stepped out from the pages of a magazine. Because why should models have all the fun?
Each month I'll be offering a new themed mini-session. Not only is it a great way to update all your kiddos' seasonal photos without them looking the same as everyone else's, it's also a fabulous way to experience custom portraiture without breaking the bank.
Upcoming themes for this year and next (with others to be announced along the way):
superheroes pajama party winter wonderland carnival mommy & me fairies
(and I'm open to suggestions, as well...)
Which leads me to this month's theme:
The scene: Sessions will take place inside my studio, and the scene will be a bit "boho chic." The main focus of the setting will be a 5' tall teepee draped in lace and cloth banners. Quilts and pillows will cover the floor, with hardback books, wildflowers and burlap-wrapped mason jars completing the look.
The experience: If you've had a full session with me, you know that I enjoy conversation and interaction amongst those involved... and this experience will be brought into my new "Short Stories" sessions, as well. With the holiday season right around the corner (and friends and family on our minds), I'd love to talk about what YOU are thankful for, what makes you happy, and see the little ways you show affection for one another. Perfect for photos of children and/or complete families (this would be a fresh take on the holiday family photo, as well). Please note: any children not able to sit on their own will need to be HELD at all times, whether by a parent or a sibling.
THANKFUL mini-sessions will take place on Sunday, October 20th and Saturday, October 26th
Info: Each mini-session is 30 minutes of FUN (though you'll be spending a total of one hour with me). The session fee is $49, with prints and products to be purchased separately.
CLICK HERE to sign up for an Oct. 20 session and see all the details. CLICK HERE to sign up for a Oct. 26 session and see all the details.
And because I really want to THANK my friends, family and fans for believing in the power of the imagination...
sign up before Oct. 12 and pay the reduced rate of $39
That's RIGHT. Some people need to see to believe, and I will be setting up the actual scene early and taking sample pictures this Saturday, October 12. But if you believe in the power of the IMAGINATION, and trust me enough to know that these sessions will be fabulous... you will be rewarded. Not only will you get first pick of your preferred session time, but you'll receive your session at the reduced rate of $39 (a $10 savings)!
Just be sure to enter the code IMAGINATION upon checkout to receive the savings.
Here are those dates to click on again to book your mini-session ASAP.
Hope to see you soon, and can't wait to PLAY!