
studio news

Vegas, here I COME...

camera? check.business cards? double-check. notebooks & pens? checkity-check. uber-comfy shoes??? triple-check on THIS one!

It's that time of year again... from March 7-14, 15,000+ photographers will be swarming MGM Grand in Las Vegas for the annual WPPI Expo. (WPPI = Wedding & Portrait Photographers International.) So if you want what happens in Vegas to STAY in Vegas, I would suggest NOT being there when we are. Cameras blazing, we're in full force, and it's a sight to be seen.

It's a LOT of fun, but it's also a fabulous learning experience, as well. Kinda like being back in college for a few days... early morning classes & late-night parties. Ha!

And it's one of the highlights of my year. This will be my 5th year in attendance.

I'm looking forward to the HUGE tradeshow, where I'll be meeting with my current vendors as well as scouting for some new ones. I'm BIG on comparison-shopping, to make sure my clients get the BEST products possible.

And of course, there are the classes. I'll always be a student at heart, so I'm excited about this, too. I'm signed up for 5 classes, and might even squeeze in one more if I can. From motivational speakers to better SEO and album design, I can't wait to soak it all up. But the class I'm looking forward to the MOST: learning how to put together stylized/themed shoots for children. Yup, that's right! I'll be offering THEMED mini-sessions VERY soon... so be sure to stay tuned for all the news on THAT one!

But for now I'm in still in the Vegas prep & planning stage. I've got my color-coded schedule printed out (yup, I'm THAT much of a dork), my new WPPI app loaded to my phone (crossing fingers it works with everyone trying to access it all at once), and just purchased my ticket to the best party EVER!

Now I just need to figure out what to wear...


behind the scenes: coloring & contortionism

I am not a graceful photographer. When I'm on a shoot, I don't dress in cute skirts or heels. I bend. I twist. I kneel and crawl. Whatever it takes to get the shot. I contort myself into some pretty interesting poses. I've never quite seen it from this side of things. But thanks to my husband and his iPhone, I got to see myself act like a monkey. Ha! But thanks to his iPhone, I also got to see another cool side of what happens... something that most clients don't see until they experience it for themselves. The FUN and unexpected moments. Like coloring. Yes, coloring. As in crayons, markers & drawing paper.

Sometimes I'll incorporate it into the actual shoot. I might ask everyone to create a family portrait together.

And sometimes I'll use it to create a pocket of alone time when needed. For instance, I'll ask the kiddos to create a quick picture or card for their parents. They've got 5 minutes... GO! And then in that time, I have some alone time with the parents... where I'm able to get pictures of JUST THE TWO OF THEM TOGETHER. Because, honestly, how often does that actually happen?

And the next part is fun, too. Each kid takes a turn presenting their drawing to their parents. The pure love and joy on their faces... and the hugs and kisses that follow... are absolutely beautiful to behold. And 100% genuine.

And it makes for a FUN... and memorable... experience for all.


Some behind-the-scene iPhone pictures...

And the resulting shots I was able to capture...

A few more behind-the-scenes with the iPhone...

And some resulting shots...

Contact me if you're ready to play with a session of your own. I promise we'll have FUN.

new affliation with MINTED + a new year's special

Never sent out Christmas cards? No problem!

Send a HAPPY NEW YEARS card instead.

Feeling a bit guilty because you ran out of time to send out Christmas cards? Don't worry. More and more people are sending out NEW YEAR'S cards as the new, less-stressful alternative.

And since I've recently become an affiliate of MINTED, you now have easy access to amazingly beautiful and high-quality greeting cards, announcements, invitations and more.

I will even handle the uploading of your session images to the Minted site so you have instant access to start playing with the designs. See my recommended New Year's card designs by visiting my site at www.theSuitcaseStudio.minted.com.

And now is a FABULOUS time to book your family portrait session. My rates are going up a bit this year, but I'm offering one last chance to snag a session at my 2012 pricing. Book your portrait session by January 31 (and have it take place before February 28) and the session fee and all prints & products will be offered at my 2012 rates. Click here to take advantage of this offer and book your session today.   PS: don't wait too long to book.. I've only got 4 sessions left available for this timeframe!

Holiday Mini-Sessions are HERE!

  HolidayMiniSessions2012 with The Suitcase Studio


The holidays are a GREAT time to update your family photos or even just get new pictures of the kids. And photos make FANTASTIC gifts... hint, hint.

Space is limited.

Click here to reserve your spot.



Each mini-session is only $125 and includes:

  • 20 minute portrait session
  • 15 fully-edited images hosted in an online gallery for 2 weeks
  • 25 custom holiday cards (and we're talking the nice, big, 5x7 folded cards here, people...)

Digital packages and other products will also be available for purchase.


Mini-Sessions are taking place on Sunday, November 11th in San Juan Capistrano and Sunday, December 2nd in Irvine (specific locations to be shared with participants)

Each mini-session includes up to 5 people; there is a $10 fee for each additional person. Your final images will be ready for viewing within one week. Images will be hosted online for 2 weeks, at which time you will select your holiday card design. You will also have the ability to purchase additional items at that time.



Looking back through the family photos makes me cringe a bit. I see that habit I had when I was younger of sticking my tongue out just a bit when I smiled. I see the horrible gold lamé dress my mother had me wear for Christmas pictures one year. I see the horrible fashion choices I made on my own. (And crimped hair? What was I thinking?) But when I am able to look past all of that ego-centric stuff, I am able to see something quite fabulous. My family. I can see... and I can remember.

And I often wonder... what if I didn't have those photos to rely on? Would my memories of them be a bit different? Or maybe a bit more vague if I didn't have something to SEE in order to spark the recollection?

Some people don't have the pleasure of having a single family portrait, or any pictures at all. There are plenty of people who lost past photos due to fire or other natural disasters. There are those who have fled bad situations, leaving everything behind.  There are single parents and underprivileged families who simply can't afford photos. And plenty of other people and other circumstances, as well.

Which brings me to this:


Help-Portrait is a community of photographers coming together across the world to use their photography skills to give back to their local community. In December, photographers around the world will be grabbing their cameras, finding people in need and taking their picture. When the prints are ready, the photographs get delivered. Just like that.

In 2010, I had the pleasure of volunteering at a Help Portrait event at the Orange County Rescue Mission. Each family was escorted to a room where services were being provided by local hair & makeup artists who had donated their time, tools and expertise. Then the families were led to one of eleven photo stations that had been set up, where each family received a quick family portrait session. A few days after the photographs were taken, each family received a family portrait in the form of one 5x7 and two 4x6 prints.

My favorite moments were working with the families, themselves. Seeing the apprehension and tentativeness turn to joy. And lots of smiles. Hearing the laughter and knowing that, no matter what else is in their lives, in this one moment they are truly happy. And THIS will be remembered when they look at their photo.

It was amazing to see how many people came together to make this all happen... not just photographers, but many other people who believed in this cause, as well. Each person donated whatever time and tools they could, and we were even able to gain some business sponsorships, as well... not just covering some of the photo printing cost, but also lending lighting equipment, backdrops and other necessary items for the day. This event could not have taken place with all of their financial support.

I'm gearing up to do it all again this year, as Help Portrait will be held on December 8, 2012 .

And I'm asking YOU to join me in being a part of it.

Here's how:

Today through September 26, Help Portrait is running a Groupon deal where you can donate $10 to the cause. Each $10 donation covers the cost of 3 prints and a frame for one family.

And even better, Wacom (this year's corporate sponsor) has agreed to MATCH all donations (up to $4,000). So your $10 donation is actually $20!

So your donation would provide new family pictures for TWO families.

Click this link to donate now: http://www.groupon.com/deals/dc-lgt-grs-help-portrait

And THANK YOU for your generosity.


photo used is from Help-Portrait site.

red thread sessions // Orange County Adoption Photographer

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states: An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break.

This is a commonly-used saying within the adoption community. It symbolizes the bond that all adoptive children have with their adoptive parents, even before they meet. An invisible “red thread” connects them to the people that are destined to be a part of their lives. With this in mind, an organization named Red Thread Sessions was created in 2011 by a group of photographers who wanted to celebrate the beauty and strength of adoption.

I am happy to announce my involvement with this organization, and that I will now be offering Red Thread Sessions.

What is a Red Thread Session?

As stated on their official website, a Red Thread Session not only captures family portraits of new families, it also capture the precious, happy, confusing, exciting, exhausting, traumatic, life-changing time that is so often brief and fleeting in the life of an adoptive family.

To many people who have never gone through the process (or have simply seen the tv-version of it all), adoption appears pretty straight-forward. But I can tell you... it's anything but that. Not only is it a big decision to make, but then there are the inspections. The questions. More inspections. And waiting. (Lots and lots of waiting.) Hope and joy when the announcement is made... and  total heartbreak if an adoption falls through. More decisions, and more waiting. Lots more hope. And then joy (and normal parenting fear) when it all becomes real and an adoption goes through.

But this is just the beginning. There are adjustment periods on both sides. It's not a simple "happily-ever-after" kind of thing. it's deep, emotional, and sometimes pretty messy. But in the end, adoption is one of the most generous and rewarding things of all. In my eyes, adoption is one of the greatest gifts you could ever bestow upon someone. A chance to belong. To be loved. And to be chosen for these things.

To all of you who have chosen to adopt children as part of their family, I thank you.

For giving a child a home. For giving him a chance at a normal life. And for offering him your love.

In appreciation of all you are doing, I would like to thank you personally with your first family photos. Better known as a "Red Thread Session," these unique services are available for free to newly adoptive parents:

  • a family portrait session within the first 3 months of your finalized adoption to capture family portraits of your new family
  • a homecoming session where I'd meet you at your home to capture the arrival of your child and the first moments with your family
  • a birth photography session to capture the birth of the adoptive child in an open adoption

Please visit the website of Red Thread Sessions for more details/qualification information. Or if you are ready to get started, you can contact me directly. I will be offering up to 6 of these sessions per year (and more if my schedule permits).  I look forward to meeting your beautiful family.

Why my involvement with this cause? Not many people know this, but before becoming a photographer it was my dream to be a psychologist/therapist/counselor of some kind. I graduated from Cal State Fullerton with my B.A. in Psychology, then went on to work in a few different children's group homes. I fell in love with the children's spirits (even when they were being their most difficult), but was heartbroken at seeing the reality of "the system" from the inside. I wanted to delve further into this field, but life had different plans for me. I am someone who takes everything to heart and found that I was just too "soft" to continue in this line of work. I wasn't able to leave things "at the door" and took the stress of the situation home with me. After months of insomnia, nightmares and near ulcers, I was forced to re-evaluate my path in life. Changing the direction of my life was one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make.

And so, I went on to pursue other dreams, never leaving this one far behind. I've continued to work with kids... volunteering, teaching and empowering them whenever an opportunity arises.

When I hear of an adoption... I light up with joy. Parents given a child they thought they'd never have, and children given a family they've always wanted.

One less kid who has to grow up in "the system," and one more family given the chance for happiness and love.

To all adoptive families... I thank you. From the bottom of my heart.


"What do you do?" always seemed to be a question that stumped me. "I'm a photographer" always seemed too broad of an answer. But then again, it's hard to fit "custom-lifetyle-portrait-photographer-who-sees-you-as-you-REALLY-are-and-gets-those-great-images-of-your-TRUE-personality-while-PLAYING-and-having-FUN-so-you-remember-the-experience-as-more-than-just-a-photoshoot" on a business card.

But I think I've finally come up with an easy way to SHOW people what I'm all about...

Introducing my new LOOK BOOK:

Showcasing the whats, hows and WHYs behind what it is that I do. From start to finish of a portrait session experience, and everything in between.

Click on the image above (or the one in the sidebar to your right) to SEE for yourself.

seeking senior reps! (class of 2013)


This is a picture of me, just before I turned 17. Yes... this is my high school senior portrait. (YIKES!)

In REAL LIFE, I never wore oversized denim shirts. Especially paired with vests. And huge sparkly earrings. And while I've had some crazy hairdos in the past, I was soooooo not the "big hair" type. (In fact, the day after these pictures were taken, I went right out and chopped my hair into a cute bob.)

Suffice it to say that I look nothing like myself in this picture.

This picture doesn't capture anything about me, except perhaps my smile. But everything else is fake, fake, fake. (And now that I think back... the smile is probably plastic and fake, as well.)

Please don't let this happen to YOU.

I want to help high school seniors to avoid repeating my own scenario.  I'm all about capturing the REAL YOU. No black backdrops or cheesy outfits. This is ALL YOU... showcasing who you really are at this moment in your own lives. Because your style should be celebrated.

And I'm looking for some volunteers to help spread the word:



I'm currently looking to enroll a few students in my new Senior Rep Program.

the Details:

You take your senior portraits with me. You spread the word by posting your images and slideshow on your social networking sites, and also by handing out referral cards to your friends. You earn a $25+ gift card to your favorite place (iTunes, Starbucks, etc.) for each referral* that you send my way. For real. And yes, it's just that simple.

Senior Reps will receive:

  • FREE signature portrait session ($175 value)
  • 5 low-resolution digital images, for use on your social networking sites
  • 15% off all prints & products purchased
  • custom gallery app for mobile devices (iPhone, iPad and Android), to easily show off your pictures
  • custom Facebook Timeline header image & profile picture
  • video-slideshow of your session
  • personalized referral cards to hand out to friends
  • $25+ gift card (iTunes, Starbucks, etc.) for each referral* you send to The Suitcase Studio. (1-4 referrals: $25 gift card each referral. 5-9 referrals: $50 each referral. 10th referral: $100 gift card.)

*a referral is counted as someone who books & completes a paid session with The Suitcase Studio and returns one of your referral cards to me. Note: a referral is not limited to someone who books a senior portrait session only; referrals include any type of  portrait session (excluding mini sessions). Earn up to 10 gift cards/referrals.


  • you must be a current high school student who will be graduating in the year 2013
  • you must agree to exclusively promote The Suitcase Studio as the photographer of choice for senior portraits
  • your portrait session must be completed no later than July 31 of this year
  • your portrait session will last 1-2 hours, and will be held at the location of your choice.
  • your parent/guardian must be present at the client consultation, as their signature is required on the client contract.
  • gift cards for referrals can be earned up until the day of your graduation!

Interested in Signing Up?

Contact me and let me know!  Send an email to michelle@theSuitcaseStudio.com, or simply click "let's talk" at the top of this page and fill out the contact form. Be sure to let me know what school you attend, as I’m taking a VERY limited number of Senior Reps per school.  I’ll get back to you ASAP to schedule a client consultation for us to meet and get started.

I'm looking forward to meeting the REAL YOU!