from "pretty" to "OOOOOH"
[Tips, tricks and behind the scenes a bit.] There are a lot of photographers out there known in the community as the "shoot and burn" type. They will take your picture, burn you a disc of the results, and that's that.
That's just not me.
I love love LOVE spending time behind the computer to customize my images. Each session has a different "look" and "feel" to it...a different recipe that brings out the mood of the moment. This is my art. This is where I play.
Very rarely will you see an un-edited image of mine. During a portrait session, I do show you a few images on the back of my camera just so you can see what we're capturing and know we're on the right track (and can be assured that you look FABULOUS), but very rarely do I share an un-edited image otherwise.
Here's why.
I LOVE the dreamy, creamy, sun-kissed look.The pop of color and brightness.
But being a natural light photographer, I can't control Mother Nature... which means I can't always control my light source (as I'd be able to if I were in a studio setting). Yes, I can use light modifiers such as scrims, reflectors and flash... but those don't always work with my spontaneous, natural shooting style (especially in sessions with wiggly wee ones). And while I've gotten to the point where I actually prefer to work in the sunlight (as opposed to open shade, which is the "beginner's" trick), it doesn't always cooperate.
So while the photos I take look DO look good straight out of the camera (SOOC), I like to give them that extra little "oomph" to get them to that place I visualized when I originally shot the image.
I do use Photoshop... not as a crutch to "fix" images... but as a tool to enhance them.
Below is a great example of this.
The image was taken in an open field in pretty harsh light. You can see that the sunlight is coming from the back/left side of the subject. Had this been shot in "automatic" mode with my camera, the sky would be a vivid blue, but the subject's face would be nearly black. Using manual settings I was able to manipulate the scene so that the subject's face (the most important part) was properly exposed. I also used the environment to help manipulate the light... the light colored sand the subject is walking on works as a natural reflector to bounce light back at her, while I angled the paper umbrella she holds to work as a scrim... diffusing the sunlight before hitting her face so there are no harsh shadows.
The image on the left is straight out of the camera (SOOC). Pretty darn good.
But I wanted to add that dreamy, creamy look that I love. So I brightened up her skin and eyes a bit, played with the contrast, and then layered on a few favorite Photoshop "actions" to achieve that warm glow. (A quick note to those of you who dabble with "actions"... here's the trick: do NOT use them in full force.)
And the image on my right is my final product.
Like what you see? Sign up for my newsletter by clicking the red tab on the left. I've got BIG things planned for next year and you won't want to miss out!
documenting the everyday
I document my life on a daily basis. It's just what I do. Long before Facebook told me it was cool to share what I ate for lunch, and Foursquare allowed me to "check in" with my location, and Instagram let me instantly share my view with others... I was still documenting. I was collecting, journaling, scrapbooking. And taking lots and lots of pictures of my everyday. Because in the long run, it's the everyday moments that count.
I still journal, and I still take daily pictures.
And I invite you to do the same.
Not sure what to document, exactly? Try starting with this:
There are lots of different daily prompts out there to choose from, but the one from Chantelle Ellem on Instagram is one of the more popular ones to play along with. (You might recognize her as @fatmumslim.)
I'll be playing along with this one in December, too. Follow along with my own daily adventures here:
I'd LOVE to see how your December goes. Be sure to tag me in posts on Instagram and Facebook (@thesuitcasestudio) so I don't miss a thing!
Inhale. Stretch. Aim. Exhale. Fire. Archery is new to Hannah's life, but she's fallen in love with the sport.
"It's totally zen, and forces you to slow down and focus on your breath. And you get a great workout without getting sweaty."
Ha! I love the way this girl thinks.
Her life being a bit of a whirlwind at times (she's a doctor, and world travel has become a big part of her life, as well)... it's wonderful that she has found a great outlet to help her relax and refocus.
I wanted to capture pieces of this. Pieces of her.
Concentration, relaxation, fiery spirit. And total zen.
The holidays are going to be here in a FLASH! Have you taken your holiday portraits yet? There's still time to book a last-minute mini-session with me, which includes a photo session and 25 custom holiday cards. And extra cool... the sessions will be taking place in this awesome field location shown in the photos above! (With a Christmas tree added for some fun flair.) Don't delay... click here to book your mini-session now!
sneak peek: Hannah
Sometimes it's fun to just get in front of a camera and PLAY.
LOVE what you see? Share the love by simply leaving a comment below. If this blog post receives 25+ comments, Hannah will receive an 8x10 print of her choice.
And if you think you'd like to PLAY with a photo session of your own, be sure to sign up for my newsletter (just click the red tab to the left). I've got something incredibly FUN coming up in 2013, and would love for you to be a part of it when the announcement is made.
Knott's SCARY Farm // VIP Party
The first time I ever went to Knott's Scary Farm I was 15 years old, a sophomore in high school, and newly in love. I've never been much of a horror fanatic, but I'd heard that Halloween Haunt was THE place to go on a date. I mean, c'mon... I got to play damsel in distress while he got to hold me close while protecting me from the monsters? It was a win-win. I wasn't a huge horror fan, but it was SO much fun to cling to the back of my boyfriend's shirt as he bravely led us through each maze, our hearts racing all the way. -------------------
Flash forward (many, MANY years), and I was JUST as excited to be heading back.
I'd been invited to attend Knott's Scary Farm's VIP Party, as part of their 40th Anniversary Celebration.
I was a little bit older, a little bit wiser, but still very much still the scaredy cat. But I put my brave face on and gave it a go. And I'm SOOOO glad that I did.
This time around, I wasn't hiding behind a boyfriend. Sheesh... I'm waaaaay too mature for THOSE games. (not really.) In actuality, this time I was hiding behind my best friend, Michelle. She's MUCH braver than I am (and a HUGE fan of the scary, gory stuff), so I invited her to be my guest for the evening. And made her go FIRST through the mazes so she could guard me from the spooky stuff. Ha!
Here are a few highlights from the evening:
If you've been to Knott's Scary Farm before, then you know that one of the highlights of the evening is the "hanging," where they mock every current social reference you can possibly think of.
Here they are getting ready to hang "Kristen Stewart."
....aaaaand, now back to the spooky stuff.
Our first maze of the evening. My heart was racing, and it felt like I was about to board a rollercoaster. It was awesome.
Michelle fell in love with the Snoopy sipper.
Michelle and I joined forces with Desi and Tammy of Dez+Tam Photography for the evening. Because there's safety in numbers, right?
We were told that there would be a "gangnam style" flash mob during the evening. I didn't know that Ted Nguyen would be leading the pack, however.
Even the monsters got into the fun...
Tammy had a "little" someone sneak up behind her.
While Michelle was quite happy to be clowning around.
And what would a trip to Knott's be without some yummy funnel cake?
(Thanks for sharing, Desi!)
Even ghouls have gotta get their grub on... right?
Once bitten, twice shy?
This was an awesome moment. Michelle had NO clue that this guy was right behind her till it was too late.
Many, MANY thanks to Knott's and GigaSavvy for the invitation. I hope to come back NEXT year!!!
See even more images from the evening here on Facebook.
Can you BELIEVE it's already October?! Get a jump on your fall photos before the holiday rush begins. Clients who book an October portrait session will receive a bonus of 25 FREE holiday cards! Click "LET'S TALK" at the top of this site to get started.
Gracie's Incredible 6th Birthday Party // Pretend City
Life throws you all kinds of curveballs. Things you would never expect... like a 5-year old girl having a stroke. Yup, a stroke. Thank goodness this story has a happy ending, with CHOC and Health Bridge Children's Hospital playing a HUGE part in little Gracie's recovery. Because she is now running and playing again like any other normal, healthy kid. But stuff like that makes you think. And it really makes you appreciate all of life's little moments just a bit more. To grasp everything near and dear to you and hold on tightly with both hands.
So when Gracie's 6th birthday rolled around, her family decided that they wanted to celebrate in a big, BIG way. Because what is a birthday but a celebration of the person? And they had a LOT to celebrate.
Gracie's party was held at Pretend City, where she was surrounded by the love of family and friends. Lots and lots of friends. And in lieu of gifts for Gracie, donations were made in her honor to benefit the children of CHOC and Health Bridge Children’s Hospital. Because it was a night for celebrating and giving thanks.
Let the party begin...
This was my first time at Pretend City, and I felt like I was five years old again. I wanted to run and play and touch everything in sight. So excited, I didn't know where to start. I think I must have pointed and said "ohmygosh" about a million times that night, my voice getting squeakier and my dance getting happier each time. And that was just ME.... a grown-up.
The kids were fantastic to watch. Lost in the realm of imagination, there was no hesitation. They dove right in and BECAME what each area dictated. Farmer, doctor, grocer, chef, actor... they played all the parts available to them. And then some.
I consider myself privileged to have been a part of the night's event, able to capture a few pieces of their magical play. There was no interrupting the flow and asking the children to pose or smile. I was a fly on the wall... buzzing from room to room, participating in the excitement, a HUGE smile permanently plastered to my face.
I was even instructed by one child to have a seat in the dentist's chair so that he could give me a much-needed root canal. (And who knew a root canal could be so much FUN?)
Welcome to Pretend City...
Happy birthday, Gracie!!! May this year be a FABULOUS one for you and your family.
Love Pretend City and want to PLAY some more? I'm offering a FUN day of mini-portrait sessions coming up THIS SUNDAY, April 22nd, which will be "tea-party" themed... a PERFECT gift for Mother's Day. Click here for full details and to snag yourself a spot.
Rockabilly Glam - Orange County Stylized Session
There are a lot of photographers in Orange County. And there are a lot of photographers that do what I do... take lifestyle pictures of kids, family, couples and individuals. So you might think that I would be bitter... that I might be cold and angry at the competition, and secretive about what I do. But this couldn't be further from the truth.
Even though we all do the "same" thing, each photographer is unique. Each person has their own style, vision and execution.
And there is more than enough room in this market for ALL of us.
This becomes most apparent to me whenever I attend a workshop put on by the SoCal Photog Shootout crew. This is an event put on by photographers for photographers... it's all about playing, learning new things, stretching ourselves as artists and growing. It's a great way to meet new people, stay up on current trends, and make lots of new friends along the way. And yes, some of them are other local photographers. (gasp.)
There are 40+ photographers in these workshops, broken into groups of 10 or so, and we all rotate sets/scenes so we work with different models and leaders along the way. And here's where it gets really interesting. Because here's the reality...
We can all stand right next to each other, shooting the same exact scene and subject, and see completely different things.
From capture to edit, each and every photographer has their own unique style and voice. It's amazing to witness, and even more incredible to be a part of.
Here is my take on the day's events:
You can also see additional images of Shyan on my previous post. Shyan gave me the most wonderful compliment when she said that my pictures gave her the confidence boost that she needed. How awesome is that?! And THIS is how I know that I am doing my job.
Special thanks to:
Makeup: • Lead Makeup Artist: Jennette Pulecio • Denise Marquez
Hair: • Lead Hair Stylist: Shyan Bailey • David Lira • Jade Gallo • Jaime Castillo
Styling: • Kaylee Sizemore
Leaders: Matthew Saville Jessica Elizabeth and Robert Tran Paul Schaefer Kaylee Sizemore Hanssie Trainor
Vendors: The Tangled Vine - accessories/styling
THE MODELS: Tina Burns Koko Laimana Shyan Bailey Charise Parra Vanessa Cedeno
If you enjoyed this post, you might also want to check out another recent stylized shoot of mine... Field of Dreams!