
reflect and celebrate

I just turned 34 a couple days ago. I remember when that number used to scare me. I remember thinking that anything over 30 meant the person was so old. But now that I'm here... I feel, in a way, that I'm just beginning to live. And so, as I take the time to reflect on things... who I am & where I'm at in life... I can honestly say that I'm HAPPY. Surrounded by friends and family who love me, and lots of people who inspire me, I am extremely happy with my life. That's not to say that things are perfect. I've had my share of heartaches and pain in the past, and am still dealing with plenty of current struggles, too. But that doesn't minimize my JOY.

Because it's real life. It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful.

Here are a few highlights from my past year...

Capturing my husband's beautiful smile as he plays with one of our nephews.

My first trip to the Getty Museum.

My grandmother's noodle recipe was finally passed on, and my brother and his wife prepared them perfectly.

Timree had her own product line for sale in Papyrus. I couldn't be more proud, and was happy to be there to celebrate.

Fun with bokeh... this was my Christmas tree.

My New Year's Day tradition... staying in my jammies and watching the Rose Parade.

The kids being old enough to take them out for the afternoon and have a WONDERFUL time.

I can't say ENOUGH awesome things about my OC SMARTY group.

THIS photoshoot. And I'm looking forward to attending their wedding in about a week's time.

2 nieces and a nephew. Three of my favorite people. And 3 of my favorite photo subjects, too.

WonderCon. Good prep for ComicCon.

THIS photoshoot, which touched me incredibly deeply. First birthday photos... taken right before her father passed away.

Updating my wardrobe, and unleashing my STYLE... thanks to Nicole of The Wardrobe Code.

THIS photoshoot. SO much fun. Looking forward to their wedding soon, too!

Visiting Santa Monica Pier for the FIRST time ever.

Attending this book signing. Exciting and inspiring.

THIS photoshoot/workshop. Stretched myself to try new things. Spread my wings. And I FLEW.

Annual softball game with a bunch of friends. Next year, Tony and I will be captains. EEP!


I was this girl's HERO for a few minutes. It felt awesome.

Tony and I, in costume, relaxing over lunch.

In front of the different Iron Man armor. Wearing my Tony Stark shirt. All that was missing was Robert Downey Jr.

Jasper. His presence is pure therapy, and I wish I could bottle his cuteness.

These pictures in NO way sum up my year. There are lots and LOTS more moments which are precious to me. Some there are photos of, and some are mere photos of the mind. But all will be treasured.

And I can't wait to see what year number THIRTY-FOUR has in store for me.

Bring it on...