the power of AND
You know me as a photographer, but did you know that I sing? I also draw, paint, write, knit, snowshoe, read YA novels, play video games, card games like MAGIC and even a role-playing game similar to Dungeons & Dragons? That I volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters, and am a member of Central Oregon Beer Angels (because I'm also a craft beer snob)?
Yup… I'm so much more than just “a photographer.”
And I've always thought it strange how when we meet someone for the first time, we typically introduce ourselves by name + what we do for a living. As if that's the ONE thing that defines us. And sadly, often it does. We get stuck in these boxes of who we are + who we're not, based on that title alone.
And it's kinda the same for kids, too.
Jock, straight-A student, band-geek, cheerleader, emo, goth, preppy, and on and on and on this list goes. Labeled by others or even forcing themselves to fit in somewhere; just as long as they do fit in somewhere. I remember this struggle well... along with the uncomfortable realization of not fitting into just ONE category, leaving me feeling like I didn't fit in ANYWHERE at all.
Blame it on the human brain.
We all come programmed with a biological drive to categorize things in order to make sense of them. And if something can't be easily categorized somewhere or labeled as something, it causes chaos and discomfort. Even within ourselves.
But the truth is… we are NOT one-dimensional creatures, and it kinda sucks when we get pegged that way.
It limits how people see us, and oftentimes, even how we see ourselves.
And understanding this is the first step to breaking free from the pressure of it all. Because when you cease to see people as fitting neatly into categories, you can start to see them more as a person and less as a label.
An easy place to start? Use the the power of "AND."
I am a __________ and ___________ and __________. Or... I like __________ and __________ and __________.
This is a simple, yet effective way to see and appreciate the various facets of ourselves (and others), instead of boxing who we are into a single word or two.
And THIS is the reason why I am sooooo particular about the quotes included in each WHO I AM session for tweens, teens + seniors.
Because I want to ensure that each kid gets to see all the beautifully different pieces of themselves, instead of being boxed into being just one thing.
So when I get those 10 completed questionnaires back about each kid, I carefully comb through aaaall the responses... hand-picking a wide variety of phrases, memories and pieces of the kid's life to talk about. So even if they're big into softball, and might even be getting photos of themselves IN their softball uniform... and everyone DOES say something nice about them playing softball... we're gonna talk about so much MORE than just them being a good softball player.
Instead, they'll get to read about their loved ones' favorite memories of them, AND ways they've positively influenced or inspired their loved ones, AND recognition of different things they excel at, AND why their loved ones are proud of them, AND on and on and on.
Because we are NOT one-dimensional creatures, and sometimes we need to be reminded of this in order to see how truly amazing we are.
Want YOUR kid to see how truly special they are?
Book a WHO I AM session, and let's show them together.
Psssst… Don't forget that you'll get special BOOKING BONUSES when your 2022 session is booked by January 31!