be my valentine?
Since I don't have any kids of my own, I borrow my nieces and nephews whenever I want to play with a new idea. They are more than willing (especially when they get to play with my dog while awaiting their turn in front of the camera). And I love getting the opportunity to capture them in imagery while they're still young. This year, I created Valentine's Day cards for the kiddos to hand out in class. They were super-excited about the idea... especially when they realized that it meant that they'd have EXTRA lollipops left over to share. (Kids will be kids.)
Here is this year's creation:
Love this idea, and want to do it yourself? Here's how:
1. Take a picture of your kid with their arm outstretched and their hand in a fist.
2. Have the pictures printed as WALLET-SIZED prints. (Note: the cards I created were printed as 4"x5" flat cards through Millers Imaging, but the wallet print works nicely, too, and is closer in size to the traditional classroom Valentine.)
3. Leave the photo as-is, or line the back with scrapbook paper (using a glue-stick) to make it extra-pretty.
4. With an exacto blade, cut slits on each photo at the top and bottom of the clenched fist.
5. Slide your choice of lollipop through the paper and "into the fist."
6. Ta-Da!
(Many, many thanks to my friend Paula of R&P Photography for this fabulous idea!)